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During puberty, your testicles (testes) change and begin to produce the male hormone testosterone and sperm. Sperm are tadpole shaped and their ‘tails’ help them move. Sperm are so tiny that they can only be seen under a microscope. Testicles need to stay cool for sperm to develop normally. This is why they hang outside the body in a sac (bag) called the scrotum. It is quite normal for one testicle to be larger or to hang lower than the other.
One of the most common cancers for men between the ages of 15 and 30 years is cancer of the testes. Once you have reached puberty, it is a good idea to regularly check the size and shape of your testicles. A good time to do this is in the shower. The purpose of this check is to get to know the size, shape and texture of your testicles. It is perfectly normal for one of your testicles to be bigger than the other. But if you notice any changes in your testicles, especially a lump, you must see a doctor.
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