Sex etc
A US based sexual health, blood-borne virus and relationships website for young people.
Play safe
A website by NSW health which has everything you need to know about safe sex, condoms and STIs.
Sexual Health Quarters
SHQ Offers confidential, low-cost clinical and counselling appointments around issues such as testing and treatment of STIs, contraception information and supply, unplanned pregnancy information and referral, and pap smears. A free and confidential helpline is also available.
The WA AIDS Council
Provides a wide range of services in the prevention of HIV, sexually transmitted infections and blood borne viruses
Freedom Centre
Supporting young people (under 26) and their communities to be informed, happy and healthy about their sexuality and gender.
A WA Department of Health website about chlamydia, gonorrhea and blood-borne viruses. The site includes a free online chlamydia testing program.
Sexual Assault Resource Centre
Information for young people about sexual assault and sexual abuse.
Be Safe Stay Well
A series of four videos on sexual health for international students.
The Mental Health Commission
Information for young people about mental health and where to get help.
An Australian website for young people about mental health.
Beyond blue
An Australian website for young people about mental health.
Kids help line
A service available for children and young people aged between 5 and 25 years.