This site has been created to be accessible to as many internet users as possible, it is compliant with the W3C WCAG 1.0 guidelines level 2.
The size of the text on this site can be changed by using the small and Large "A" links before the main page content, these images have the alternate tags "Standard font size" and "Larger font size".
You can also use your browser to change the font size:
- If you are using Internet Explorer, click on View in the toolbar, then highlight "Text Size" and select your desired size.
- If you are using FireFox, click on View in the toolbar, then highlight "Zoom". You have the option of increasing the size every element in the page (including images) or to increase the size of the text on the page only
- If you are using Safari 3, select View, then you can select from the following options "Make text bigger", "Make text normal size" or "Make text smaller".
Instructions for other browsers can be found on their support pages.
Where there is content presented in audio or visual format, a text equivalent will always be provided. In order to view some audio / visual components of the site, you will need an Adobe Flash browser plugin, this can be obtained for free for most common browsers from the Adobe Flash Player Page.
If you have any questions about the accessibility of this site or feedback, please use the Contact Us Page.