Do you have a sexual health question? Ask away! This service is completely confidential. No records are kept of who has asked a question.
Ask a Question
First, here are a few questions for you, before you send us your question!...
My question is an emergency or needs an urgent answer!
This service is for non-urgent questions only.
In an emergency, contact
000 or go to your local hospital
For an immediate response on other issues, please contact:
Sexual Health Helpline on
I live in Western Australia
My age is:
(this will help us to answer your question accurately)
Sorry, this service is only funded for young people in Western Australia.
This service is completely confidential. No records are kept of who has asked a question.
All questions are answered by a qualified health professional, however if you have symptoms or a medical problem you need to consult a doctor as we cannot provide an online diagnosis.
Sorry, this service is only funded for people under 25.
If you are 26+ and in WA, please try the free Sexual Health Helpline
Sexual Health Helpline on